Just thought an update for my reader might be appropriate - the marking is nearly complete - hope to finish today and then there will just be the completing of the feedback sheets and I can send the stuff off to London and relax until the Spring when the next lot of marking arrives.
On a different topic sales of my book are going steadily considering I haven't really pushed it and most sales have been through someone telling a friend or colleague about it (40 sold so far). I have had a suggestion that I should do a 'talking book' version and this may well be the next project for my technical expert (my son) to assist with as he reckons we could do this fairly quickly and effectively with a programme on our Mac computers called garage band. We have had a little dabble with it and managed to record the foreword and first chapter so watch this space for more information on this project.
And finally just in case you hadn't realised Christmas is coming! I saw my first house decorated for the season yesterday evening on the way home from work.
Yesterday I saw my first decorated shop and today we received our first card.
Glad the marking has gone well and book sales are booming. I hope Turbulent Cleric and Connexions have all bought one!
I sthere no end to this man's talent
Bob the Black Country Brummie said...
Is there no end to this man's talent
It doesn't look like there is bob. Just look A couple of posts back.
Most people have A sandwich and A cup of tea for lunch. Not FP he manages to find time to play at the funeral service of one of his church members and get an extra chorus in. Can anyone beat that....
Thanks Hill-topper whoever you are. I have had a look at your profile and think I probably know you as you are only a couple of years younger than me - perhaps one of these days you will reveal who you really are. I was in Hill Top this afternoon taking a carol service at Bethesda Chapel. Had orders for 8 copies of my book from the ladies there so it was quite a surprise
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