Sunday, 24 June 2007

Busy Day

Well today has been quite interesting - went to preach this morning at a church I haven't been in for 39 years and was made very welcome and the word was very well received - preached on my favourite verse John 3:16.
Was watching Billy Graham on T.V. this afternoon and was amazed by his knowledge of what was going on in the world and how he brought that into the sermon, which was about the Good Samaritan.
Something he said which I thought was very good is that although he was preaching to to a very large crowd which some would call mass evangelism, he believed that Jesus dealt with individuals and that he was preaching to individuals not the crowd. Isn't it true that when we preach we should be speaking to every member of the congregation. I would have loved to be at one of his meetings just to savor the atmosphere and be part of such a wonderful event.
Was at Aldridge Methodist Church tonight where they now use an overhead projector for the hymns - saves juggling books and apparently has been very well accepted by the congregation.

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