Friday, 22 June 2007

Midsummer Madness

I am just sitting here on a day between the longest day and midsummer day and wondering where is the summer? It has been more like a midwitner day today in fact I am fairly sure the shortest day in 2006 was warmer and drier than today has been.
Got a busy day on Sunday as I am preaching morning and evening - the evening is at one of the churrches in out circuit at Aldridge. The morning service is at the Bethesda Chapel in Hill Top, West Bromwich where I last went 39 years ago having gone there to Sunday School for ten years. As you can imagine I am looking forward to it but quite nervous too.

1 comment:

Miss A said...

I'm sorry that its so cold where you are. Here is MD it was a glorious summer solstice - sunny, but not too hot and no humidity!

I just ran across your blog, and I must say, I prefer a preacher with a little attitude. I look forward to your future thoughts.