Wednesday, 12 May 2010

It's all over - nearly!

Well the general election is over, there has been much debate about the result and who might or might not form a government and we now see the result of all the discussions that took place the weekend.
I really do think it is now time for us to give the new administration a chance - just for a little while let's put aside political dogma and rhetoric and look to what might be achieved as the two parties work together to lead this country out of the mess we appear to be well and truly in.
Its seems to me that already the doom and gloom merchants are saying the 'pact' will not last and I hope that they will be proved wrong and that this government will provide the strong stable government that David Cameron has talked about.
I think that one of the most important things for us as Christians is to uphold our leaders in prayer even when we do not particularly agree with their particular ideology, and I would urge all Christians to do this.

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