Not sure if any one has been thinking that as it has been some time since I posted anything. I notice there are one or two regular visitors according to sitemeter and I am also picking up quite a few from the next blog thing at the top of the page. I have done a bit of clicking on this from time to time and found some interesting stuff there.
Any way there are no excuses for not posting except I haven't really had anything that has made me thing I must write something on my blog - I have been commenting on others thought so not been totally quiet.
I suppose if you were looking for an excuse as well it would have to be the busyness of the last few weeks as we prepared for Christmas. I have already started preparing for this year as I bought a music book last week for only £4-99 with 49 well know Christmas songs in it - not sure if that could be said to be sad!!
I'm here.
It was a question to myself and one I hoped you (and my other reader) had been asking as it has been a while since I posted
Waiting with baited breath here for your next blog Ian.
I wondered what had happened to you. And I'm intrigued by the deleted comment!
Sorry the deleted comment was mine. I somehow hit the send key by mistake before I had finished typing my message.
I'm here. I read first through my blog feed and don't always go to the blog sites.
I've popped in most days. Glad you've survived your hibernation - but you woke up before the snow went!
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