Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Blog missing

To any regular readers my apologies that I have not blogged much recently - I have been busy getting ready for a beach mission which I am leading next week in Borth in Wales. If you would like to know more check out the website on or if you are in Borth pop in and see us especially if you have children with us. We meet each morning Monday to Friday at 10-45a.m. and would appreciate your prayers for this event. The programme for the week will appear on the website later tonight for any who are interested.
Went to choir practice last night and we sang 10 hymns/songs in just under an hour and it was a great time of praise with our very able musicians giving us the lead. We are preparing for a circuit service in August where we will help to lead the singing. This is one of a series of such events where we are trying to do something a little different - I suppose it is a sort of Fresh Expressions exercise especially as all music used has to have been written in the last 30 years which takes those leading the services down a potentially modern path. If you happen to be in Walsall on Sunday 12th August at 6-30p.m. come and join us at Aldridge Methodist Church.

1 comment:

David said...

Hope the beach mission goes well. When I was at University half the CU me their future spouses on beach missions (or so it seemed at the time)