Sunday, 10 June 2007

Third time today

Couple of things- circuit service went very well but I am not sure some of the people there fully understand the idea behind them! One or two grumbles because it was not a traditional style service but that was the plan. Part of the brief is that all the songs have to be less than thirty years old and we are trying hard to try some new expressions of worship in these services.
Second point the time on these messages is well out as my earlier message were posted around 4p.m. today.


David said...

Welcome to the blogshere. Be prepared to be unpopular! As Corporal Jones says "They don't like it up 'em"." You realise that unless you take a positive action they automatically assign you a star sign on your profile? I don't have a star sign.

I've put a link to you on my blog. I will carry an item tomorrow. Don't foget to add a site meter - its free and well worth having one as you can see how things are going. God bless your ministry.

PS, and if you have any good sermon ideas please share them, preferably BEFORE the Sunday's I'm planned to preach.


David said...

Go to management on the sitemeter and sort out your privacy settings, otherwise the world and his wife will know all about your blog stats.