Thursday, 19 May 2011

Biblefresh Coffee Morning

If you are anywhere near Walsall on Saturday 21st May you might want to drop in to our special circuit coffee morning for Biblefresh.
The coffee morning will be from 10-30a.m. until 12-30p.m. at Pleck Methodist Church, Bescot Road, Pleck, Walsall. WS2 9AD where we will be helping to hand write the Bible, serving tea,coffee, cakes and bacon sandwiches and will have a number of Bible reading aids on display to encourage people to read the Bible more.
We are also going to have some passages translated into other languages for people to see what the Bible is like for other people whose language is not English.
Proceeds from the coffee morning will go towards the translation project for Burkina Faso which is part of the Biblefresh initiative.
If you do manage to come along please make sure you say hello to me - it will be good to meet readers.

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