Saturday, 9 January 2010

Methodist Recorder Revamp!

I was quite surprised on Thursday when my Methodist Recorder arrived as the front page looked more modern that is usual for the Recorder. I opened it to do my usual skim through before going to work and was quite pleasantly surprised to find the inside had changed as well. On first impressions I would have to say it looks quite good but I am reserving judgement until it has been running a few weeks.
I have commented elsewhere that my cynical side says I wonder if it is a ploy to bring in a price increase. On a page count basis this must be the most expensive piece of reading material that I buy and often I wonder why I continue to buy it especially on the weeks when there is an 8 page supplement that reduces the 'Methodist' content by the same amount. At least the supplements in my local evening paper are always extra pages and do not rob the remaining items.

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