Thursday, 3 September 2009

Writer's block

You may have noticed that my posts have been a bit thin on the ground, other than vestry prayers and this is really because I seem to have had bit of a writers block.
I do sometimes at work think of something and say to myself I ought to blog about that and then when I sit in front of the computer nothing happens - it is almost as if my head is empty (I know some people think that is normal.
Any way perhaps the start of a new Methodist Year and the usual round of exciting meetings might prompt me to write something or of course this weeks Methodist Recorder might have something in that I really feel strongly about and will sit and write something about here.
If not I could always just keep posting vestry prayers as I am sure someone finds them helpful out there! I seem to get a lot of people visiting who have come because they were looking for vestry prayers on good old google.
Well it's that time when I have to get ready to go out and earn a crust so I am signing off now.

1 comment:

David said...

FP I know the feeling. But I notice a general lack of activity across the whole of the Methodist blogsphere. Don't worry I'll soon wind up Connexions and Dave Warnock when I have a little more time.....