Yes folks I've been exercising the little grey cells again! It was really brought about by my attendance at a district meeting last night of the Unit for Church Life group and discussions around welcoming and making people feel at home in our churches. There were a range of views around the table but generally it was felt there were lots of people doing reasonably well at this but others doing very badly.Mention was made too of how we do things that are automatic to regulars but anyone new may not know or understand - a prime example of this in our circuit is that some churches stand when the offering is brought forward while others sit - I have never found out why so don't ask me!
The other thing that struck me was that I seemed out of my depth at times last night when conversations included a number of acronyms/abbreviations which it appeared the other five people at the meeting were well versed in and to some degree assumed I was as well! Wrong!!
Some of them I worked out such as TDO (Training and development officer) but others I still don't know about what is CDIM for instance or ADR which I think is possibly annual development review and is something our district is piloting and then there was PPM (fortunately in full on the agenda but immediately shortened.
I have to say I didn't like to keep asking so just tried to go with the flow as they say and hopefully kept up reasonably well.
For all that it was an enjoyable meeting with lots of laughter and some very useful discussion on a range of topics.
1 comment:
I can help you a little: CDIM (I usually write it CDiM ;) ) is "continuing development in ministry": professional development for ministers, if you like. ADR is indeed annual development review, a process for ministers that looks like it is going to be kicked into touch.
Acronyms can be a pain, can't they? I remember once attending a national committee meeting for a section of the co-operative movement, and being bewildered by the jargon and acronyms in use. There was another fellow there who was also at his first meeting. After we'd exchanged confused looks a few times, my colleague raised his hand and said something like: "Some of us are here for the first time and are struggling to keep up. Is there any chance of a glossary of terms so that we can follow what's being said." Without batting an eyelid or missing a beat, the secretary said: "You mean a GOT!"
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