Tuesday, 11 November 2008

All Done!

Well my marking is now complete and the results have been sent off so there will hopefully be some very happy people in the next few days when they get their individual results.
I have been to London today for only the third time in my life and had to travel on the tube for the first time. I am really glad I don't have to do it very often - it was like being in a sardine can and I'm not sure if it was just me but they seemed to travel at an extremely high speed.
I enjoyed walking along the Strand and around some of the side streets as I was an hour early for the course I was attending, it was a lovely dry morning and the sun was shining which really made it a pleasant day. The course was very good and I met some really nice people.
I have been reading other blogs and making the odd comments here and there and will be hoping to post in the next day or two on the odd issue that is going round in my head - one of them may be work related I'm afraid but then what I do at work is very much part of me as a whole person and I have worked in social housing for 25 years so it has been an important part of my life.


DaveW said...

"I'm not sure if it was just me but they seemed to travel at an extremely high speed."

If only!

Fat Prophet said...

both of the ones I travelled on seemed to- but then it may have been because we were in tunnels so it was difficult to judge. Anyway not an experience I wish to have too often.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to ask you if you'd marked anything by anyone I'd tutored, but I'm sure you couldn't say...

Fat Prophet said...

Of course I couldn't say but there were 14 lots from some far flung places. Possibly the nearest to you were Cardiff and Ceredigion.I also seemed to catch for mainly odd numbered districts such as 9 and 11