Friday, 11 April 2008

Vestry Prayer

I had an email the other day from someone asking me what happened to my idea of posting prayers for use in the vestry each week. The simple answer was there was no feedback so I thought people weren't interested and perhaps it was something there was not really any need for, although lots of vestry's I go in to have various old vestry prayer books in use.
I have had a think about this and decided to give it another go so in a little while I will post prayers for the remainder of this month and hope that someone out there will find them a useful tool.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. You're already on the first page of a google search for 'vestry prayers' and I'm sure that in the future there will be many chapel stewards and similar muttering words of thanks when they find you.

Here's a blogging tip: if there is something you feel like adding to the blogosphere, do it. Readers don't always bother to give feedback. I'd been blogging Wesley's hymns for at least a year before I learned that there were folk who found it helpful.

You're adding a valuable resource. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to stewarding and have got to do what is rather a nerve racking experience for the first time on Sunday. Thank you so much for your help.