Sunday 6 April 2008

Breakfast on the beach

That was the title of our Service this morning at Pleck when we looked at the appearance of Jesus to the disciples when they were out fishing. The preacher was a visiting preacher who used the church set out for cafe style worship and broke for refreshments in the middle. He also taught us two new songs as well as using some better known Easter hymns like Now the green blades rises and Low in the grave He lay.
This evening it was 'Praise and Worship' at Pleck which is a fairly laid back service led by the worship leaders and others. We used the data projector and showed some paintings from the Methodist Art Collection and discussed what we saw in the pictures. It was a very interesting service with some good comments made on the pictures. For our prayer time we listened to a recording of Michael Card singing his song 'El Shaddai'and were encouraged to focus on the line 'To the outcast on her knees you were the God who really sees, and by your might you set your children free'. There was also a message in tongues and an interpretation in a service that lasted almost 90 minutes and yet everyone seemed quite happy and in fact after the benediction the organist played 'El Shaddai' quietly and no one moved until he had finished. A great day in the presence of God and certainly a spiritual fill up.

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