Sunday, 14 October 2007

What makes good worship?

Just a quick note following on from my previous post. The worship group at my own church led worship this morning cafe style with tea and biscuits in the middle of the service, and asked the congregation what makes a good act of worship. The congregation were encouraged to discuss in their tables groups and write their thoughts on post it notes to put up later in the service. It was very encouraging that there was a 'buzz' of talk around the church as people obviously got into the discussion and there were lots on notes being made. There was quite a lot of feedback and I think there will definitely be some food for thought among the comments made. One of the worship leaders is going to collate the comments for us to discuss at our Church Council meeting this week and who knows we may even feed the information back via the Preachers Meeting to those who lead our worship (This may be helped by the fact that I am LP Secretary).
I hope to post more details during the week of what the feedback was but for any who may be interested this was the format of the service this morning:-
Introduction/Call to worship
Hymn Be still and know.
Prayers of adoration
Psalm 111
4 songs - For I'm building a people of power, My Jesus my Saviour, I've got the joy,joy, joy; Jesus is the name we honour.
Reading - Hebrews 10 v 1 -25
Hymn Come now is the time to worship.
Hymn O for a thousand tongues to sing
Feed back - people came and put post its on flip charts
Prayer of confession
Hymn God forgave my sin
Round up of comments from post it notes
Prayers on intercession followed by Lords Prayer (sung - we normally say it)
Hymn You shall go out with joy
Grace shared by all.

34 people were present with ages ranging from 3 years to over 80 and the majority being over 50 years old.


PamBG said...

It would be interesting to hear what they said makes for good worship.

How long did the service last, out of curiosity? It seems like a long order of service.

Fat Prophet said...

Hi Pam,
I think you will be quite surprised when I post the results of the feedback - There were one or two surprises for me when I quickly read through them.
The service including the coffee was an hour and twenty minutes and even then no one rushed off - there was lots of conversation after the service. It was an exceptionally good time of fellowship and believe it or not people actually sat at the front!

David said...

Sounds good. I don't want to anticipate the feedback but I have a hunch that one of your surprises will be that people are more open to change and experimentation more than we give them credit for. The important thing for many is that they sense the prescense of the Holy Spirit - then many of the other things cease to matter.