Sunday 21 October 2007

Day five - last ten!

Well here we are the last ten points from the list - we have put them on the church notice board along with a blank page in case any of our members want to add anything they may have forgotten or if any who were not present want to add any points.

Good hymns, particularly a good uplifting closing hymn
A mixture of old and new hymns
Hymns and worship songs that we know (and like)
Good hymns and choruses
Rousing hymns
Cafe style worship occasionally ( this was from a table of our more senior members)
Respice Prospice (motto of Blue Coat School which I am told means 'Look backward, look forward'
Giving oneself in worship as well as receiving
A time of reverence as well as fun and fellowship
Tolerance of and sharing in other peoples ideas of worship.

Here we are then at the end and no sign of 3 points and 5 hymns - I just hope my readers aren't too disappointed by this.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this and found it interesting, the service was very interesting and everyone present joined in with the conversations so that was good too.

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