Friday, 8 November 2013

What's happening.

I am currently doing some tidy up work behind the scenes, checking links are still valid, possibly creating one list of links rather than three once I have checked them all and some general stuff to make sure the blog is both up to date and relevant.
I anticipate this work will take a few days but hope to be fully functional next week and ready to start posting something a little more interesting.
I think it might be true to say that the last year has not been one of my best for a variety of reasons including redundancy and my wife's ill health but hopefully we have turned the corner and will be able to say with Her Majesty the Queen that the last year for us has been an annus horribilus.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

The time has come!

As the poet said the time has come to revisit this blog after a fairly long sabbatical - watch this space over the next few days as the blog is brought back to life and I look at a some of the issues and things that interest me.